Kathryn Berlin

Kathryn grew up in Virginia and has a track and cross country background, where she dabbled in yoga as cross training. In 2015, she was in a severe bike crash that resulted in her no longer being able to train for long distance races. In the aftermath, she rediscovered yoga. With consistent practice, she found the same sense of solace and presence on her mat that she used to gain from running. She completed her RYT200 at Haus Yoga School. She loves watching students grow their confidence and mind-body connection while creating flows that meet each student where they are so that they feel safe, secure, joyful, and at ease during a group class practice. A local special education teacher, she feels lucky to share the benefits of breathwork, meditation, and asana practice with her middle schoolers and yoga students alike.

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Q & A with Kathryn!

Do you prefer a specific style of yoga? fitness? Why?

Vinyasa, specifically heated vinyasa flows, are my personal favorite! I love an energizing practice. In this current season of my life, I find that this style of yoga sets me up best for the most important part, savasana.

What is your advice to a beginner walking into their first class?

If you're persistent over a long period of time, you'll get it. If you're consistent over a long period of time, you'll keep it! Keep breathing in the meantime.

What tip do you use in your life to motivate yourself to move?

On the days you have 20% to give, and you give that 20%, you are showing up for yourself 100%! Often the most difficult part of a yoga practice is simply having the wherewithal to show up on your mat, but love, especially self-love, is mostly just showing up!