Hallie Parten

Practicing yoga began as an excellent way to complement my hectic career as a math teacher. Eventually, I wanted to guide students in the yoga studio just like the math classroom. I completed my 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training at DwiPada Yoga School where I learned to teach Ashtanga Vinyasa and Vinyasa Flow. I have developed a yoga class with my close friend called Athlete's Yoga, designed to help athlete's access the mobility and recovery benefits of the practice. I have completed 40+ hours of continuing education in Restorative Yoga and Advanced Assisting. I love encouraging others to stretch their bodies and minds beyond preconceived limits.

  • 200 hour YTT in Ashtanga Vinyasa and Vinyasa Flow 

  • 20 hour CE in Restorative Yoga 

  • 20 hour CE in Hands on: Arts & Science of Assisting 

Q & A with Hallie!

What is your yoga / fitness background? As a student? As an instructor?

I've always been an avid athlete. As a kid, I played tennis and basketball. In college, I threw shotput and frisbee. After-graduation, I tried a multitude of modalities - from crossfit and cycling to cardio-kickboxing and barre. I have found my place as a teacher in the yoga studio and as a student wherever there's something to learn.

What is your practice philosophy?

Let your breath lead your movement and your body lead your mind.

What do you hope your students get the most from your classes?

I hope that my students recognize that there are no rules to their movement practice. Their practice can be whatever and wherever they need it to be.

Do you prefer a specific style of yoga? fitness? Why?

No. I love the beauty, creativity and freedom of a Vinyasa class. I love the discipline, challenge, and depth of an Ashtanga class. As my practice has progressed, I've discovered that I need the pace and patience of Restorative and Yin.

What is your advice to a beginner walking into their first class?

Do what you feel ready to do that day. There's always tomorrow to do more (or less). This is just the beginning.

What tip do you use in your life to motivate yourself to move?

"You'll be glad you did..."

What elements of yoga and fitness are you excited to teach, and why?

I love teaching students to find awareness of major muscle groups in a pose. I love when a pose goes from feeling flimsy to strong, powerful, and embodied.

A little more….

My dog is another great accountabilibuddy. If I don't get out and move, she'll make me. Meet Valerie.