Sign up for one of Rebecca’s scheduled Classes below or Book a Private In-Person or Virtual 1-on-1, Small Group or a Full Private Class for your friends, family or co-workers with the button link.

Our method of Virtual Classes, Training and Private Classes connects individuals - you can see, talk and practice together - whether you each live cross country, state or across the globe from each other. Invite friends and family from around the world - get fit, have fun and connect - ALL within the comfort of your own home!! We also understand that privacy is important so having your video and audio ON is optional during virtual class :)

Rebecca’s Upcoming Classes, Teaching live from Memphis, TN

All times below are Central Daylight Time Zone :)

Please note, we have changed our online platform away from Mindbody to Wellness Living.

Fitness management software

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Q & A with Rebecca

What is your yoga background? As a student? As an instructor?

I started to take yoga to help with my running. I had no idea that yoga would replace running as my primary physical activity. I decided to become an instructor because I wanted to make a significant change in my life.

What is your yoga philosophy?

Find the right movement for your body and practice patience and kindness towards yourself.

What do you hope your students get the most from your classes?

Self acceptance and non comparison. All of our practices are beautiful.

Do you prefer a specific style of yoga? Why?

Vinyasa is a fun form but yin allows you to more fully change your body and helps teach us lessons about our minds as well.

What is your advice to a beginner walking into their first class?

Try to embrace the joy and humor of the moment. Let go of your expectations and skip any postures that don't feel right today.

What tip do you use in your life to motivate yourself to move?

You never feel worse, mentally, after a workout. Movement is medicine.

What elements of yoga are you excited to teach, and why?

Ahimsa, or non violence, is the tenet I return to again and again. Kindness to your body and yourself is the foundation for a long term practice. Awareness of the breath is another product of yoga that will help you in all aspects of your life.