Amy Hutcheson
Having practiced yoga for almost 27 years and taught yoga for 6 years, Amy is 200 ERYT certified. According to Amy, “Yoga for both my practice and my teaching is about sustainability for the body. It’s not fancy and sometimes not pretty but it’s about supporting the body and mind in a way that allows myself and my students to function at our absolute best physically and spiritually both on and off the mat. Everybody is different and, for me, that is what makes teaching so fascinating. No two people will have the same practice, and it’s my job to meet them in their practice and support and guide them along their path.”
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Q & A with Amy Hutcheson!
What is your yoga background? As a student? As an instructor?
I have practiced yoga for almost 27 years and have taught yoga for 8 years. I am 200 ERYT certified, but I still consider myself a beginner because there is always so much I learn when i step on the mat.
What is your yoga philosophy?
Yoga for both my practice and my teaching is about sustainability for the body. It’s not fancy and sometimes not pretty but it’s about supporting the body and mind in a way that allows myself and my students to function at our absolute best physically and spiritually both on and off the mat. Everybody is different and, for me, that is what makes teaching so fascinating. No two people will have the same practice, and it’s my job to meet them in their practice and support and guide them along their path.
What do you hope your students get the most from your classes?
I hope student will walk away from a class demystified about all the yoga cliches and realize this is a practice for every size and shape and level of skill - And not to take it all too seriously because laughter is as much a meditation as breathing and chanting.
Do you prefer a specific style of yoga? Why?
I love teaching all types of yoga. It keeps it interesting for me and one style definitely informs another so it is all helpful for each student.
What is your advice to a beginner walking into their first class?
All clothes are yoga clothes if your practicing yoga in them...Ha! Stop worrying, smile and breath, and trust that if you listen to your body it won’t let you down.
What tip do you use in your life to motivate yourself to move?
I’ve had a spinal fusion since the age of 11. I was lucky to have had it. So every day I get to move my body is a gift that I don’t take for granted. Yoga, cycling, swimming and walking all support my journey in the body.
What elements of yoga are you excited to teach, and why?
I love alignment and teaching people to find their own place in the practice and then watching it change and evolve every time the student steps on the mat.
Amy’s Art
Downtown Yoga has launched our new ART Yoga Mats, featuring local artists. Amy’s design was the first we chose! You can also follow her website to learn about her upcoming art shows and paintings. Currently, she has a devoted page with art available for sale where 50% of proceeds go to Restore Corps. Learn more on her website!